AC/DC's Concert History
Roseland Ballroom, New York, NY, USA
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
Set List:
1) Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be
2) Back in Black
3) Stiff Upper Lip
4) Gone Shootin'
5) Thunderstruck
6) Rock and Roll Damnation
7) What's Next to the Moon
8) Hard as a Rock
9) The Jack
10) If You Want Blood
11) Hells Bells
12) Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
13) Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution
14) Shoot to Thrill
15) TNT
16) Highway to Hell
17) Whole Lotta Rosie
18) You Shook Me All Night Long
Concert Notes:
Small venue gig,Band plays four rare tracks - Multiple boots available.
Setlist thanks to DAVIDCELTIC.
we went, emptyhanded, ticketless, hearing in didbelief that dc was playing roseland...does not happen..we went, my wife asked if we can get in, he sez sssh,stand here, if there are any no shows, youll be in....sure enuff, we were the 1st 3 in cuzza no shows, we ran across the threshold like we were teenagers again, and hit the floor to hell aint a bad place to be...whoa..surreal...bon scotts family was in the crowd, sittin with the record execs, it was toooooo dc show ever, man!!!! me [john hall] my wife [lynne gudis] and my best friend/lead guitarist [lee Bentley] got to pursue this dreamlike state full force. thank you, guy who told us quiet n stand here!!!
Notes thanks to johnnyamp.




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