


Member #20,625

Num Posts: 55
Country: United Kingdom

Anyone know if the euro tour still going ahead especialy the UK dates

Member #8,722

Num Posts: 1,131
Country: US

It's been over a week and no news at all. Even Chris Slade is awful quiet on the Timeline Facebook page, where he had previously been posting stuff like pictures from shows and even a "51 years ago" thing on a single of It's Not Unusual.

What it feels like to me is that, maybe, just maybe, they are attempting to change the stage set-up. I wonder how much of the continued damage to Brian's hearing was from AC/DC's backline level. He appeared to be the only one using IEMs. It even appears that some of the cabs on stage were mic'd.

I think the best thing to do would be, as it gets closer to the dates, contact your ticket broker or the venue, they'd definitely be a "need to know" and "need to give out information" spot.

Dirty Eye
Member #640

Num Posts: 334
Country: Germany

The european tour will take place without any changes according to the german promoter. Check the link below and scroll down to the bottom page where it says "Aktuelles zur Tournee"

Use google translator or the like.

Member #254

Num Posts: 798
Country: Canada

Trying to work with and/around Brian, your bandmate and frontman for the last 40 years, would be the right and gentlemanly thing to do...

Instead, it sounds like Angus is as bad as Malcolm and just threw out Brian as he would any old hired hand...

Sorry Angus, but if this is what you're doing to the guy who helped you guys reach the arena icon status you have now, well, I've lost all respect for you.

This act of cruelty and desparation will bring you some pretty bad karma - mainly that of playing 2nd fiddle to a puppet show at county fairs 10 years down the road.

You're most of the way to fronting your own cover band - why not do the respectable thing, fold up AC/DC (except for the occasional show for charity or whatever every couple of years when Brian's ears are up to it) and YOU be the guest player for all of these bands who love you.

Look at Jimmy Page and JPJ guesting with the Foo Fighters in London for an encore - that's awesome stuff, man! Imagine strutting out on stage in the schoolboy suit at the end of a Hives concert to play Back in Black. The crowd would go fucking nuts!

BUT, an AC/DC crowd (especially me) will not go nuts if it's you and a bunch of "guest singers" on the road pretending to be AC/DC. 

Queen had 20 years to get it right, before Freddie regenerated himself as Adam Lambert, and even with Adam, the shows don't come close to what Freddie achieved.  You're lucky if you have 10.

Go out with style, go out with class, go out with respect, and go out with friends (Brian seems like a pretty good friend to have - you should hold onto that).

Member #8,722

Num Posts: 1,131
Country: US

Let's play Devil's Advocate here: Brian probably raced quiet a few times without hearing protection. It was the racing that took hearing from one ear, and likely accelerated (no pun intended) the damage to his other. Angus probably looks at Brian's hearing loss as mostly his fault, since he, as a professional musician, should have known more about the value of his hearing to being able to continue as a musician. Angus and Stevie are about the same age, and several years younger than Brian.

From a marketing point of view, most people view Angus and Brian as the frontmen and are not even aware that the drummer changed for this tour and is different in two videos from the album, and if they are, they don't care. Get ahold of a new singer that can allow tuning the guitars back up and you'd probably see a renewed, more energetic "AC/DC" concert.

I feel like Angus is trying everything in his power to keep going and make his own "Fifty Years Of Rock Music" career timeline. Yes, it is seemingly bad from reports on how Brian is being treated, especially after 35+ years, but Brian Johnson does have other things that he can do to keep going, Angus seemingly is holding on to the only thing that keeps him going. Not saying that he would off himself, but if he was to hang it up, you'd likely see a very different Angus in five years, if ever again.

Member #24,670

Num Posts: 517
Country: US

i was thinking of going to europe to a gig won't now

Member #20,625

Num Posts: 55
Country: United Kingdom

just come across this

Member #254

Num Posts: 798
Country: Canada

@spawn77 - I read that more as, "There was an immediately, horrible fan backlash to this terrible, heartless news, so Angus and Sony's lawyers got on it right away, got the podcast pulled, and threatened Jim Breuer until he backpedaled."

I doubt he fully wrote that blog post himself - I'm sure there was some legal help. 

If he truly had exaggerated, they wouldn't have needed to pull the podcast. Anyone could listen to it and see for themselves that he was exaggerating.

The plus out of all of this is that Brian's situation probably became more reasonable because of the podcast. Hopefully they're working things out with him so that he's not just kicked to the curb anymore.

Member #2,716

Num Posts: 114
Country: US

Member #20,159

Num Posts: 1,045
Country: US

I think it's entirely unfair to criticise Angus in this (not that anyone's opinion could ever sway the all-knowing RnRDamnation... ). We have no idea what he's going through or what is going through his head. Maybe he heard the doc's recommendation that Brian NOT tour or lose his hearing entirely, combined with the fact that he's been struggling in recent shows to stay on tempo and on pitch, and made the obvious choice to protect Brian's hearing (even if Brian naively thinks he could somehow work through it, he can't, that's a fact. And a real friend does what's best for you even if you don't want to) and keep his commitments to the fans.

Hearing how Axl sounded at GNR's first show in two years, he's in good form and will make a fine replacement for the coming shows. And as a fan of both bands I am very excited to hear how this turns out. Axl has never toured with another band in his life. AC/DC has never had a guest singer. This is a huge deal! In fact, I was really wary of the guest singer idea at first because I thought, who could possibly replace Brian? Every cover band singer sucks and would be a pale imitation. Axl is a legendary singer befitting a legendary band like AC/DC and will bring his own unique twist to it, otherwise you might as well see a crappy cover band.

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