

It's an extreme long shot but what the hell?

Member #20,171

Num Posts: 328
Country: US

Out of the members in the U.S. how many of you live in southern california? Preferably in the LA area close to Santa Clarita. Cuz I'm looking for musicians who play along to AC/DC material to join an originals band that has the feel of AC/DC in their music. We really need a bassist, and a lead/rhythm guitarist. We want to play live shows and since our bassist broke his wrist he can't play bass for the next 8 months so we are looking for his replacement and another guitarist to fatten our sound more and to fill our ranks when we play shows. So if you do, let me know. I'll give you some of our material to practice or if you want to jam, that would be cool too. So let me know. Thanks, Ruddisgod
Member #25,163

Num Posts: 393
Country: US

I wish I could do it but I'm in Florida

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